Friday, May 16, 2008

Zuzana is home alone

Recently I posted a story about my experience in Cafe Stink here. Did you read it? This one is sequel to the story, and if you are curious about the main star casted – Zuzana – you are on the right place.

Zuzana, ink drawing, portrait
I did hundreds ink drawings of that person. My friends laugh at me that I am actually drawing a comics. You can look at a small selection in the mentioned post. But in this case ink drawing is not enough to express a vision of artist. Surely, these simple means have been used many times to create something great - just look at Rembrandt's ink drawings –thy stand for real masterpieces. I have created several studies by ink from the life drawings made in The Stink, obviously it is just a search for something in the air I could not entirely grasp, but I could feel, smell, dream of.

ink drawing, Zuzana
Anyway, now I feel I could do something more. The possibilities offered at extraordinary meeting of light and shapes in the personality of Zuzana didn't let me rest. Somewhere inside of my head I foresee large oil paintings, many large oil paintings.

My assets are lack of free time, large atelier, one extraordinary model able to withstand my interrogative gaze and a heap of ink drawings featuring the figure in all possible movements and positions.

Well, right now I decided to choose a few most attractive compositions and enlarge them as charcoal or pastel drawings. The important thing is to isolate the content from it's environment. One sheet in sketchbook looks a bit messy, you need a really strong impulse of inspiration to foresee a large paintings from these drawings:

ink drawing, sketchbook

But it is possible. If you are right man on right place in right time, you can do it. I did several little black ink paintings with isolated motives:

The satisfaction was adequate. The charcoal magic followed, and then dry pastel drawings. Not many colors yet. Probably the blue period seems to be most appropriate. The pink and violet is next choice.

That's the state of the project I decided to call: Zuzana is home alone. Soon I'm going to bring news about further development and results of that effort. And if you wish to know more, wait for a while. I'm going to interview the main role person in this story. Are you curious, who she is? Me too...